
York County School of Technology


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Smart Talk Road Trip to York County School of Technology

Prospective employees are required to have a four year college degree by many employers.

Many don’t. But these employers are looking for workers with the right skills and training to do the jobs that they have. This shortage of skilled workers existed long before the COVID-19 pandemic.

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These schools offer training and experience in a variety of careers, including architecture and construction technology certification, programming, medicine, and communication technology. These are high-paying jobs.

Smart Talk makes a road trip to York County School of health technology Wednesday in order to learn more about these jobs and how they will affect the economy. The program is part WITF’s Careers That Work initiative.

Students from York County School of Technology will be among the guests on the program. Scott Rogers, MS Ed. Assistant Administrative Director York County School of Technology. Kevin Schreiber President & CEO York County Economic Alliance. John Pulver Associate Director PA Assoc. Career & Technical Administrators.

WITF’s Careers that Work is an ongoing multimedia project that highlights the importance of workforce development in South Central Pennsylvania. Tech Link South Central PA Consortium for Career and Technical Education supports it.