
AMPAK Technology: Dedicated Optical Communication


AMPAK Technology was founded in 2000 and is the leading company for optical communication and wireless multimedia. AMPAK Technology employs professional managers, sales and marketing staff with experience, as well as research and development specialists. They also have dedicated engineers and technicians. We provide outstanding products and services to customers by adhering to the customer satisfaction principle. Our company’s goals are to share profits with shareholders, employees, and customers.

AMPAK Technology has two business units and one office to provide total solutions to its customers. They are Wireless Multi-media, Optical Communication and Shenzhen Office. The Wireless Multimedia business unit is a leader in Taiwan in RF, logical and packaging design, testing, and packaging. This business unit offers wireless multimedia products, such as SiP (Systems in Package), and Wireless HDMI. SiP products combine Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems in small modules.

The modules are compact enough to meet the requirements of handheld devices that follow a streamlined trend. It transmits voice and image signals wirelessly from devices (ex. From DVD players to digital TV sets or monitors wirelessly. This new transmission technology will replace traditional transmission via cables. The optical communication business unit is responsible for the packaging and testing of optoelectronics parts. This team includes experts with access to the most advanced machines and devices worldwide, as well as unique tooling developed in-house. We can provide high-quality packaging and testing services in large quantities. We offer more than just packaging and testing TO products.

AMPAK Technology is committed to implementing environmental protection management systems. We provide training and education to increase the awareness of our employees about environment protection. This includes promoting energy-saving and reducing waste. AMPAK Technology introduced a Hazardous Substances Management System in 2006 to manage hazardous substances. This included RoHS, WEEE and REACH as well as Halogens-Free, SONY SS00259. We promote green design and manufacturing for our products and work closely to meet the environmental protection goals of our customers. span>

How to see who is connected to your Wi-Fi ampak technology network?

Are you aware of who is connected to your router’s Wi Fi network? To find out, take a look at the list connected devices to your Wi-Fi network via your router or computer.

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Keep in mind that there are many devices connected to Wi-Fi these day. This list includes smartphones, tablets and smart TVs as well as set-top boxes, Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi printer drivers, and other devices.

We love the GlassWire firewall security system and are big fans of their Pro version. One of the best features is the Network view, which shows all devices that are connected to your Wi Fi network.

GlassWire is more than a firewall. It also offers beautiful graphs that show bandwidth usage. You can see which applications are connecting to which servers and how much bandwidth each one is using. An application can send you alerts if it changes or if an installer attempts to install a new driver. There are many features available, and it is difficult to list them all.

GlassWire is even more useful for today’s topic because you can enable alerts when a new device attempts to connect to your Wi Fi. This is a fantastic feature!

GlassWire is available for free for basic usage, but network device monitoring can only be purchased in the paid version ($49 per PC).

Use the Web Interface of Your AMPAK Technology Router

This information can be found by visiting your router’s website interface. Your router hosts the Wi-Fi network and has all of the information necessary to determine which devices are connected. While most routers allow you to see a list of connected devices on the network, some routers may not.

These are the standard steps for accessing your router’s web interface. You can usually find your router’s IP address through the Control Panel. The ipconfig/all command can also be run in a Command Prompt window.

Next, enter this IP address in your browser’s address box and hit Enter. Your router’s interface should appear. To access your router’s interface, you can check the documentation or do a search on the internet for the model number and “web Interface” to see if it does not. If you don’t have a password or passphrase set, it may be necessary to search the documentation to locate the defaults for your router model.

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Locating Connected Devices

Now you will need to search for this option somewhere in your router’s website interface. Look for a button or link that says something like “attached device”, “connected devices,” or even “DHCP client”. This may be found on your router’s Wi-Fi configuration page or on a status page. To save time, some routers may print the list of connected devices on a main status page.

Many routers provide a list that lists all devices connected via DHCP. If a device has a static IP configuration configured, it will not appear in the list. This is important to remember!

You’ll see the same information on each router if you open the list. You will see a table that lists all connected devices and shows their “host names” on a network.

If you don’t find meaningful names on the list, you might want to modify the hostnames (also known by “computer names” and “device names”) in your operating system or computer’s operating system. Here you will see the host name. There is no way to modify the hostname of some Android devices. We don’t know of any way to root an Android device to make it more meaningful.

If in doubt, you can always compare the MAC addresses on this page or the IP address displayed to determine which device it is.

This list is not perfect. You can assign any hostname you want and change your MAC address to spoof others devices. This would mean that a device you own wouldn’t be able connect to the network while a device with a spoofed MAC addresses was taking its place. Routers usually block multiple devices from connecting simultaneously with the same MAC. A hacker could also set up a static IP configuration in order to stealthily access your router.

This is not the best security feature or the most reliable way to detect people in your network. This is not something that you should be checking regularly. You can reset your Wi-Fi password if you find devices that you don’t recognize. This will allow you to kick off all devices until they can give you the new passphrase.

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Even devices that you don’t recognize could be something you forgot to buy. An unknown device could, for example, be a Wi Fi-enabled printer or Wi-Fi connected speaker, or even your smart TV’s Wi-Fi, which you don’t use.

Use Software on Your Computer to Scan Your Wi-Fi Network

You can use the web interface of your router to verify that connected devices are being detected. Some routers might not have this option, so you may need to use a scanning tool. This software runs on your computer and scans the Wi-Fi network for active devices. These scanning tools are not able to list devices that have been connected but are offline, unlike router web interface tools. Only online devices will be visible.

While there are many tools available to do this, we prefer NirSoft’s Wireless Network Watcher. It’s like other NirSoft software and doesn’t have any annoying nag screens or adware. You don’t even have to install it on your computer. The tool can be downloaded and launched. It will monitor your Wi-Fi network and display the active devices. It is especially useful for Android devices as it allows you to identify specific devices by their manufacturer names.

The tool will not function properly if you don’t specify your Wi-Fi adapter. Before running a scan, we had to go to Options > Advanced Options in Wireless Network Watcher. We checked “Use this network adapter” and then chose our physical Wi Fi adapter.

This is not something that you need to be concerned about all the time. You can feel quite secure if you use WPA2-PSK encryption with a strong passphrase. It is unlikely that anyone will connect to your Wi-Fi network without your authorization. You can change the Wi-Fi passphrase if you are concerned about this happening. However, you will need to enter it again on all approved devices. WPS can be vulnerable, and attackers may use it to re-connect without your passphrase.

If you have given your Wi Fi password to neighbours, and want to make sure they don’t use it for years, changing your passphrase could be a good idea.